• Contact: Corbie Fieldwalker, Creative Director
  • Filming and Fishing : Xwemelch’stn/ Vancouver, British Columbia
  • Phone: 1+778-882-2187
  • Email: cfieldwalker at gmail.com



“These properties are quarantined behind
tall fences, not suitable for human or other
animals to inhabit,” he told The Huffington
Post B.C.
Inside Vancouver’s Empty Houses,
Oddities of a Red-Hot Market.
Videographer documents abandoned homes
in a prestigious west side neighbourhood.
“A quiet, contemplative bit of exasperating food porn…
The film is short, but just long enough to make you start
weeping with holy need.” ~Pizzeria Farina
The studio’s fashion film, Adagio Haiku,
shot on North Shore Maui, was a finalist.
in the 2013 ELLE Canada Fashion Film Competition.
In 2008 Corbie was nominated for a Jessie Richardson Award for Outstanding Original
Composition and Sound Design for his live
performances of Green Thumb Theatre’s
‘Steel Kiss’, directed by Patrick McDonald.
Corbie’s first film, “Clayoquot Sound”, a short surfing film shot in Tofino B.C. was an officiall selection for the Whistler Film Festival in 2005.